Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why People Buy Designer Clothing Over Low-end Offerings

From talking to friends, colleagues and random pub/bar-associates, it appears that people believe price goes hand-in-hand with quality and this makes up a big influence. Make no mistake, the lower end alternatives are no shabby job, but I would be inclined to agree when they speak of the quality of the designer pieces. Now most of my aquaintences are male, and though men don't tend to be as fussy as women when it comes to picking their clothing, we do like to wear something that fits well and lasts long! Typically, I find that the more expensive designer pieces are made to a higher standard. Not just to bump up the price, but more often than not the printed, embroided or otherwise included design requires it. Whether it be a foil print on a t-shirt or an extra stitched piece of material on a pair of denim jeans, these little things all help differ the designer clothes from the low-end offerings yet inevitably, increase the cost.

So this is one reason why people go the extra mile; quality. But it's not just quality of the garment itself. There's a reason why the people behind the clothing designs have reached their status. This is because they have a portfolio of groundbreaking designs, pushing the envelope of fashion design and creating clothing that everybody and their mother wants a piece of! If I had a penny for everytime I saw a t-shirt that looked strikingly similar to a piece I'd seen by my favourite label a couple of seasons back, I'd be a rich man. There's a reason for this, and that is that there is a clear distinction between the graphic designers, the fashion artists and the culture lovers that put together this art and the large budget store chains that take on clothes to add to their clothing catalogue. Independant labels are probably the best to opt for if you like unique styles artistically hand-crafted by real professionals.

Quality of design and build is hugely influential and massively appealing to trendsetters. That's what designer clothing seems to symbolise, but it stands for much more; the influences behind the design of the pieces encompasses music, art, culture and expressionism, without being in the slightest bit pretentious. So if you want to be the first in line, be sure to seek out and shop for some truly inspirational pieces that speak volumes about the things you live and breathe. It's all out there; you just need to know where to look.

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